Holiday Enquiries...
Who should I contact with a query about my holiday (booking changes, questions, anything else)?
All holiday queries should be directed to the relevant travel company, regardless of whether you have already booked your holiday or not.
Please note that Holivity is not a tour operator - all holidays featured on the site are delivered by third party travel companies.
What will the weather be like on my holiday?
We recommend checking www.holiday-weather.com for general weather conditions and/or www.snow-forecast.com for snow conditions. It's worth checking the latest forecast a day or two before you travel so you know what to expect.
How do I get a Turkish visa?
All British passport holders travelling to Turkey will require a visa to enter the country.
Visas are obtained online from the official government website www.evisa.gov.tr/en/. It is a quick and easy three-step process but each visa must be requested separately.
Passport requirements for travelling to Turkey
• Valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into Turkey
• Valid for at least 3 months from the date you leave Turkey
• Valid for at least 60 days beyond the expiry date of your visa or e-visa (visas and e-visas are often issued with 6 months validity so your passport may need to have 8 months validity at the time your visa is issued)
I would like to make a complaint. Who should I contact?
To make a complaint about anything associated with your holiday you will need to contact your travel company. Please note that Holivity is not a tour operator - all holidays featured on the site are delivered by third party tour operators.
Please check which operator you made your booking with (for example Neilson, Mark Warner, Exodus, Sandals, etc) and contact them directly. No part of the booking process is done with Holivity, so please do not direct any holiday complaints to us.
We're sure you'll love the Holivity site and find it contains lots of useful information, but if you do have a complaint specifically about our website, please contact Luke Jackson (owner & founder of Holivity). Please bear in mind that this site is maintained around another full time job; we will aim to respond within 10 working days but this may not always be feasible.
Where is the best place to get travel money?
We recommend Best Foreign Currency Exchange. They offer the best rates in the market and have been used by Holivity numerous times with the customer service flawless on every occasion.
New to Activity Holidays...
How fit do I need to be to go on an activity holiday?
Activity holidays are not just for super fit athletes and gym bunnies! Most activity holidays are available to all fitness levels with the vast majority allowing you to do as much or as little as you like. For example on beach club and ski holidays you are free to choose which activities you do and do not want to do and if you fancy a day by the pool, that's fine. Having said this we think you'll get the most out of your holiday if you go out of your comfort zone a little, whether that be a sailing lesson in a Laser Pico, standing up on a windsurf or putting on your first set of skis or snowboard.
The main exception to the above is some of the adventure holidays provided by companies such as Exodus and Explore! Some of these holidays will have an "Activity Level" rating (or similar), ranging from Leisurely through Moderate to Challenging or even Tough. For these holiday we recommend choosing a trip suitable for your level of fitness and desire for adventure. There are usually options with various Activity Levels at different locations, even if you're interested in a specific activity such as cycling. We would recommend speaking to the travel company for further guidance.
What experience do I need to go on a yachting trip?
We've given some general guidance below but this may vary by travel company, so always check with your tour operator.
For any holiday where you're chartering a yacht you must hold a certificate of yachting competence for a recognised body such as the Royal Yachting Association. The type of certificate required will depend on the type of trip you are looking to book. Check with your travel company well in advance.
All certificates should be taken on holiday with you. If you're not currently qualified but would like to take the course/assessment before your trip, please see www.rya.org.uk for more information.
Do I need travel insurance for an activity holiday?
Yes. We strongly recommend taking out travel insurance for your activity holiday. In fact, insurance is legal requirement for many of the holidays lists on our site. Make sure when taking out insurance that it covers all of the activities you will be doing on your holiday. For ski and snowboard holidays, if you intend to be skiing/snowboarding off-piste, pay particular attention to whether this is covered under your policy (it is not normally covered as standard).
Following a debate amongst the Holivity team about the best travel insurance provider we thought we'd give you our two top picks:
• Aviva Travel insurance
• Columbus Direct
Contributing to Holivity.co.uk...
How can I contribute posts, pictures and videos (or anything else) to the Holivity site?
Yes, absolutely. We're always on the look-out for new contributors of holiday write-ups, pictures, videos or anything else you think would be useful to Holivity users. If you're interested in becoming a contributor please email us.
Alternatively, if you think contributing write-ups, pictures and videos is not for you, feel free to engage with the site by commenting on blog posts and contributing on social media.
Holivity is sponsored by Jackson’s Online Garden Centre – your one stop shop for buying plants online. An active holiday does not have to be overseas in a different country. Taking a week or two of downtime in your own garden, planting up a new border, caring for your plant beds or working through gardening jobs can be equally as enjoyable, active and good for the body and mind.